Real pieces of almond truly make this a decadent tea. Their fragrant nutty flavor can only...
Currants have a unique taste of their own with a rich aromatic flavor that can...
One sip and the exotic nuance of coconut in this exquisite Chinese black tea will...
This Queen Mary blend combines orange and lemon peel with the oil of bergamot for...
Inspired by the Queen Mary Tea Room's famous Burnt Cream Dessert, this tea features a...
Luxuriate in the mesmerizing citrus aroma of this legendary tea. A favorite of Queen Elizabeth...
This Queen Mary signature chai tea is warm blend of chai spices with cinnamon, peppercorn and...
The smell of cookie dough right after the vanilla has been added, is one of...
Highland Breakfast was commissioned specially for the release of the eighth book in the Outlander series, "Written in...
The jackfruit is the largest tree-borne fruit in the world. In this infusion, it lends...
Be your own heroine as you sip this lovely blend of vanilla, accented by warm lavender and...
Our classic Earl Grey is blended with organically grown lavender from Washington State creating a...
Mango is a sultry and delicious tropical fruit. Combined with the ever so slightly floral...
Organic vanilla, ginger, clove, cardamom, cinnamon and a touch of black pepper harmonize with organic...
The Queen's take on the classic Moroccan Mint. Featuring a delicate yet bold Darjeeling, our...
This rich black tea is blended with succulent orange slices, tart apple pieces, cardamom pods,...
We created this tea in honor of Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee. It blends the best...
The Queen's signature afternoon tea blend. Created using the very best teas from around the...
This winter classic features a blend of black tea with scrumptious chestnut and a hint...
This exquisite blend pairs rich black tea with the delicate nuance of rose. The resulting...
Real strawberries are given a wonderfully spicy character by whole pink peppercorns. An uncommon pairing, but...
A positively proper tea with smashing pops of pomegranate, bergamot notes, and a creamy caramel...
The indulgence of a scrumptious macaron in a teacup. Pure pleasure for those little "me...
Enjoy a taste of the Emerald City. Fruit and botanical flavors pair with juniper berries to...
Vibrantly tart with the sweetness of of ripe cherries, this tea is a true delight....
This festive black tea is infused with orange slices, cardamom pods, pink peppercorn, clove, cinnamon,...
Your holiday dreams will come true with one sip of this nutty, buttery, sweet goodness...
Can't decide which tea to get yourself or loved one? Get a little bit of...
Natural pumpkin spice flavors of organic ginger, cinnamon, cloves, and cardamom harmonize with organic...