These smooth & creamy mints start with white coating, colored softly in pastels then flavored...
The classic dressing served at Queen Mary's Tea Room. Delicious! Ingredients: corn oil, honey, whole...
Queen Mary's delicious Strawberry Preserves. 8 oz.
Yes, this is the fabulous orange pineapple apricot marmalade we serve at the restaurant. Queen...
A pack of 6 Queen Mary's family recipe shortbread cookies, made fresh at the Queen...
An excellent way to add color and pizazz to your afternoon tea table is with...
An excellent way to add color and pizazz to your afternoon tea table is with...
An excellent way to add color and pizazz to your afternoon tea table is with...
An excellent way to add color and pizazz to your afternoon tea table is with...
An excellent way to add color and pizazz to your afternoon tea table is with...
An excellent way to add color and pizazz to your afternoon tea table is with...